Any business with three or more employees who are regularly employed is required by law to have workers’ compensation insurance. You are covered for workers’ compensation benefits from the first day you start at a job. There is no minimum amount of time that you have to work before being covered for medical or disability benefits. There is a seven day waiting period after you became disabled. You can look up the insurance company for your employer on the website of the Georgia State Board of Workers’ Compensation under the heading “How do I verify an employer’s workers’ compensation coverage?”
If you are injured while working you should report the injury to your supervisor/manager/boss immediately. Seek emergency medical treatment if needed and then contact an attorney experienced in handling workers’ compensation claims to assist you in protecting your rights, talking to a claims adjuster or other insurance company representative, and choosing a physician with your best interests in mind.
Call us anytime for a free consultation, 770-284-3737.